Adobe Acrobat X Pro for Windows and MAC
Top Features:
Assemble PDF Portfolios - Combine a wide range of file types into a polished, organized PDF Portfolio. Apply professionally designed layouts, visual themes, and color palettes. Easily add corporate logos and colors to reflect your branding.
Automate tasks with the Action Wizard - Save time and standardize processes by automating routine, multistep tasks in a guided Action. Create, manage, execute, and share a sequence of frequently used steps that can be applied to single PDF files or batches of files.
Create interactive forms - Easily convert existing forms into fillable PDF forms with intelligent form field recognition, or design them yourself using included templates. Track and manage responses within Acrobat. Collect data quickly and export to spreadsheets for analysis.
Streamline document reviews - Enable team members with Adobe Reader software* to fully participate in shared document reviews with a complete set of commenting and markup tools. See and build on one another's comments.
Permanently remove information - Use redaction tools to permanently delete sensitive information, including specific text or illustrations. Easily find all information contained in a document, including metadata, annotations, attachments, form fields, layers, and bookmarks, and delete as needed.
Include rich media - Quickly bring ideas to life through rich, interactive documents. Insert audio, Adobe Flash Player compatible video, and interactive media into PDF files for seamless playback in Adobe Reader.*
Compare PDF documents - Eliminate confusion and improve version control. Easily identify differences between two versions of a PDF file by having Acrobat analyze both files and highlight changes to text and images.
Comply with PDF and accessibility standards - Confirm that your documents conform to PDF/A, PDF/E, and PDF/X ISO standards, and fix those that do not. Check and adjust documents to help ensure that they are accessible to people with disabilities.
Extend Adobe Reader - Enable Adobe Reader* users to participate in shared reviews, fill and save forms, and digitally sign and approve PDF documents--regardless of platform or operating system.
Share files online at - Use services at to easily send large files with confidence. Upload documents into your online Workspaces at to share files with individuals or teams inside or outside your organization.